Appendix C
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2024 3:59 PM
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Premises license Hove Park, Goldstone Crescent, Brighton &
Hove, BN3 6BG
I object to this application on the grounds that it inadequately describes the nature of the application.
For example, it fails to answer the following questions:
1. if licensing approval is given for this year’s event, will that approval automatically be carried forward for all subsequent years or will a new publicly advertised application be required for each following year on an individual basis?
2. Where is the information I was told was available about "the applicant's proposed measures in an Event Management Plan and Risk Assessment, a noise management plan, Fire Safety and evacuation plan, Medical plan and Security plan”?
It is difficult to formulate an objection without knowing anything about these arrangements. So there is no option but to object.
3. Will the proposed music be continuous between the hours of 10am to 8pm? What are the numbers of people likely to attend?
4. What will be the likely noise levels or degree of nuisance likely to be experienced by local residents?
5. Will it attract all day parking in the surrounding streets which could cause
difficulties for local residents?
6. Will the effect on residents for this year’s event be monitored and reactions sought from people living in adjacent areas, before any decision is made about the two-day events proposed for subsequent years?
7. If the noise levels turn out to be high enough to become a nuisance, will there be a way in which complaints can be urgently made and the noise levels reduced to an acceptable level?
Yours faithfully,
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2024 12:03 PM
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: S & A Entertainment Ltd - Licensing Application - Objection
Dear Sirs,
My wife and I live in REDACTED, adjacent to Hove Park and strongly object to the licencing application by S & A Entertainment Ltd on the grounds that:
1. The toilet and other hygiene facilities in this location are limited and inadequate for an event which may attract large numbers of people.
2. The events proposed are based on live and recorded music, which if played at high volume will disturb the peaceful enjoyment of local homes.
Yours Faithfully
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2024 1:14 PM
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Re: S & A Entertainment Ltd - Licensing Application –
Dear Mr Boufrahi,
Thank you for your email.
Our full address is:
Proposed conditions for the new time limited licence application for Taste of the Caribbean, Hove Park – 19/03/2024
Taken from original application
Remove/replace (taken from original application)
1. The event will run for 2 consecutive days maximum a year (Saturday into Sunday) on a date agreed at least 6 months in advance with Brighton & Hove City Council). This date will fall between May and September each year.
3. All planning for the event will be in line with recommendations laid out in the online ‘Purple Guide’ and HSG154 Managing Crowds Safely and will be planned in strong consultation with local authorities and licensing staff via regular ELT meetings starting no less than 4 months before the proposed start date of any activities on the site.
4. The final site layout shall be as agreed with the event health and safety advisor and Security consultant and all statutory authorities (which includes but is not limited to members of the council events department, licensing, highways, parking, and blue light services).
6. No event shall take place until an Event Management Plan (including an Event Safety Management Document) has been submitted to and approved by all other relevant statutory bodies not less than three (3) months prior to the proposed Event. If any changes are made after this time, notification to be sent to the responsible authorities in writing (this can be by email).
7. No alcohol will be sold for consumption ‘off’ the premises under this licence.
8. At all times the bars are in operation and carrying out licensable activity, a personal licence holder (PersLH) will be on site at a ratio of 1 PersLH to every 2 licensed bars. Furthermore, whenever the premises are open to the public the Designated Premises Supervisor shall be present within the licensed premises.
9. Authorised staff employed by Sussex Police shall have free access to all parts of the licensed premises at all times licensable activity is taking place or when open for licensable activity, for the purpose of inspection to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the premises licence and to ensure the promotion of the licensing objectives.
staff members engaged in selling alcohol on the premises shall receive full
training pertinent to the Licensing Act, specifically in regard to
age-restricted sales, challenge 25 and the refusal of sales to persons believed
to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
a) Experienced Security team and full security management plan
b) Medical team on site throughout the duration of event and full medical plan
c) Challenge 25 policy and signage
d) Full event management plan including lost child and vulnerable person procedures
e) Controlled drinking procedures
Additional conditions as agreed with another Agency.
For the Prevention of Crime and Disorder:
14. SIA security will be employed to monitor the site overnight at numbers set by the Event Safety Management Document.
a) all crimes reported to the venue
b) all ejections of patrons
c) any complaints received concerning crime and disorder
d) any incidents of disorder
e) all seizures of drugs or offensive weapons
f) any visit by a relevant authority or emergency service.
a) be inspected and signed off by the DPS (or a person with delegated authority) at the end of each day of the event.
b) be kept on the premises and be available for inspection at all times the premises are open by authorised officers of the Licensing Authority or the police. An incident will be defined as being one which involves an allegation of a criminal offence or as listed in condition 15 above.
c) be used to give feedback to staff to ensure that the log is used on each occasion that a refusal, ejection or incident occurs at the premises and to identify any patterns or trends.
d) be kept for a minimum of six (6) months post event.
Additional conditions as stated in original application or agreed with another Agency.
For Public Safety:
17. No drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) will be served in glass or glass bottles.
22. All licensed door staff will use radios to contact each other and will wear hi-visibility arm bands with their SIA badge clearly on display. They will also be in high visibility jackets or similar and should be clearly identifiable as security.
23. All stewards will wear high visibility jackets or similar and should be clearly identifiable as stewards.
a) Assessment of contractors and their safety documentation prior to their arrival on site
b) The undertaking of site and task specific risk assessments
c) Sign off Policy for temporary installations by contractors
d) Protection of audience and staff from noise
e) Adherence to food hygiene standards
f) Safe installation and operation of generators and temporary power supplies
g) Adequate provision of medical facilities on site as documented in the medical plan
h) Appropriate provision of firefighting equipment throughout the site in accordance with Fire Safety Management Plan
Additional conditions as agreed with another Agency.
For the Prevention of Public Nuisance:
Additional conditions as agreed with Environmental Protection
For the Protection of Children from Harm:
event will have a strict challenge 25 policy for alcohol sales.
34. The premises will operate a "Challenge 25" policy whereby any person attempting to buy alcohol who appears to be under 25 will be asked for photographic ID to prove their age. The recommended forms of ID that will be accepted are passports, official Photographic Identity Cards issued by EU states bearing a hologram or ultraviolet feature, driving licences with a photograph, photographic military ID or proof of age cards bearing the ‘PASS’ mark hologram. The list of recommended forms of ID may be amended or revised with the prior written agreement of Sussex Police, the Licensing Authority and Trading Standards without the need to amend the licence or conditions attaching to it.
35. Signage advertising the “Challenge 25” policy will be displayed at all bars selling alcohol throughout the premises site.
a) The Premises Licence Holder shall ensure that all staff members engaged or to be engaged, in selling alcohol at the premises shall receive the following induction training. This training will take place prior to the selling of such products:
b) Further verbal reinforcement/refresher training covering the above will be carried out thereafter at intervals not to exceed 8 weeks, with the date and time of the verbal reinforcement/refresher training documented.
c) All such training undertaken by staff members shall be fully documented and recorded. All training records shall be made available for inspection by authorised officers and staff of the Licensing Authority or the police and officers from the Trading Standards team upon request.
37. Each bar shall have a written/electronic record of all refused sales of alcohol. The record will include the time of sale and description of the person refused. Records will be retained for 6 months post event and available for inspection by authorised officers of the Police and Local Authority.
Additional conditions as agreed with another Agency.
Environmental Protection agreed conditions submitted 26/03/2024
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 3:03 PM
Cc: EHL Licensing <>; Emma Grant <>
Subject: RE: Re: Time Limited Application for Taste of The Caribbean
Food & Drink Festival
Thanks for your response.
As agreed in your previous email, kindly revise the event management plan, Taste of The Caribbean Food & Drink Festival Noise Management Plan 2024 and Brighton - Event Management Plan, Taste of the Caribbean 2024, Version 1, dated 2nd February 2024 and prepared by Joe Scholar, to include the following noise mitigation measures:
1. To reduce noise from construction and dismantling:
· staff/contractors will take steps to minimise impact noise,
· switch off and avoid idling of vehicles/machinery where practical,
· optimise handling and time taken to complete tasks safely and,
· adopt good working practices based on the Code of Practice for Noise and Vibration on Construction and Open Sites BS5228:2009+A1:2014.
2. To further attenuate the impact of plant noise:
· well maintained and silenced equipment (for example by utilising acoustic barriers) will be employed where necessary,
· other noisy equipment e.g., chiller units, extract ventilation, waste disposal will be placed as far away as possible from noise sensitive premises, and
· plant use will be overseen by management and operation times minimised as much as practicable.
3. There will be additional low frequency controls and monitoring positions will be set up, on and off site, to check compliance with noise limits specified in the document.
4. Sound checks will be done before the event and must comply with these noise limits too.
5. A plan to review the Noise Management Plan for future events will be in place.
Furthermore, please note that the following condition to uphold the prevention of Public Nuisance will now be added to your time limited licence:
The licence holder will ensure that all aspects of the operation of the event and provisions made for the event are in compliance with the agreed Event Management Plan as they relate to the prevention of public nuisance.
Kindly respond to all contacts in this email , as confirmation that you will revise the Event Management Plan to include the above measures and that you agree to the stated condition on your licence.
Kind regards
REDACTED |Environmental Health Officer – Environmental Protection
Regulatory Services
Brighton & Hove City Council
2nd Floor, Barts House, Barts Square, BN1 1JP
T 01273292167 |